University of Wisconsin, USA, 1982. Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Technion, 1985.
B.Arch, Technion Israel Institute of Technology, 1998, green construction assistant
Interior and design architect, Uruguay, 1987. Architectural engineer, Tel Aviv Academic College of Administration, 1991. PMI project management, Technion Israel Institute of Technology, 1998.
B.Arch, Tel Aviv University, 2003. M.Arch, Polytechnic University of Madrid
B.A. in psychology, Bar Ilan University, 1993
Givatayim Technical College, 1991
M.A. Institute of Civil Engineering, USSR, 1982
B.Arch.ed, WIZO Haifa Academy of Design and Education, 2015
B.Arch, Tel Aviv University, 2017
B.Arch.ed, WIZO Haifa Academy of Design and Education, 2022
B.arch, Tel-Aviv University, 2023
B.Arch, 2023, Tel-Aviv University
Tel-Aviv University, B.Arch.
Architecture Student, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
Architecture Student, Bezalel Academy of art