Naama Malis Architecture and Urban Planning Office has been operating since 1996. Since its establishment, the office has planned over a hundred projects, from conceptual planning to overseeing their implementation. The combination of different specialties enables us to offer a broad and comprehensive perspective for any type and scale of project

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Glil Yam, Herzelia

Our areas of expertise

Strategic planning

National strategic planning, fundamental principles and topics at the national level: architectural consultancy for the establishment of infrastructure in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), preparation of PPP tenders for the security system, Highway 6 guidelines in the field of landscape and design, artificial islands.

Master plans

Starting with TAMA 35, through a master plan for the Tel Aviv metropolitan area, and ending with plans for cities and towns of various sizes such as: Caesarea, Hod HaSharon, Kiryat Yam, Dimona.

Detailed planning

Detailed architectural planning for buildings with different purposes: residential, commercial, office, public and infrastructure.

Research and lectures

Trends in residential construction, strategies for urban renewal, the impact of planning on public health, commerce and commercial streets, construction technologies.

Social involvement

Projects without a client that the office promotes to influence stakeholders in planning and policy in the fields of existing planning, public health, and urban quality.
Horodetzki complex, Tel Aviv
Partners and the team
The office is led by architect Naama Mellis, in collaboration with the team of colleagues: Amir Alkopher, Ines Stern, and Shirah Glitman. The office currently includes about 25 people who combine experience and expertise, openness, flexibility, and precision
A variety of services
We, at Melis Architects, make it a priority to engage in a high level of expertise in all areas of the profession simultaneously (building architecture, infrastructure planning, building plans and urban design, describing plans at all levels of planning - local, regional and national, strategic plans and policy documents). This fact enhances our knowledge and experience, through mutual feedback and integration between the different fields based on research, a wide range of specialization in the same profession (polytechnic specialization), leading to a more holistic perspective and more creative, effective, and successful results.
A variety of perspectives
We analyze the project while considering all the macro-level aspects in order to achieve the best possible results for the customer, the environment, and the end-user. We engage in dialogue with all relevant community stakeholders to deepen our understanding of all aspects (geographical environment, regulatory environment, social environment) related to the main question: how do we plan the project both for the individual and for the community?
The office has extensive years of experience in managing planning teams and processes. We believe in "responsible architecture" - architecture that changes the world. To achieve this, we have developed our own methodology, which we implement through structured and organized process management, leading to achieving goals, adhering to timelines, and staying within budgets (using the "strict budget oversight" method). This management is conducted in a non-linear, cross-functional manner, with the responsible team involved in detailed planning and construction processes already in the early stages of development.
The Academic College of Tel Aviv–Yaffo

The office handles dozens of projects simultaneously, including a large number of master plans, detailed plans, and building design. We have experience in maintaining a high level of service to the client and meeting written schedules and budgets. The office has established, defined, and accessible work processes that are constantly maintained, including ongoing guidance from an organizational consultant and regular guidance from expert advisors in economics and office management.

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Ramat Dania neighborhood, Jerusalem
The Gonenim Music Center